Our Pathologists

Dr. Muhammad Nazri Consultant Medical Microbiologist

Dr. Muhammad Nazri Bin Aziz

Person In-Charge & Consultant Medical Microbiologist

MD. (USM), MPath. (UKM)

Consultant Medical Microbiologist

Associate Professor Dr. Asrul Wahab

Consultant Medical Microbiologist (Area of Interest: Immunology)


Dr. Chau Yann Tyng

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

MD, MPath (UM), FRCPath (UK)

Dr. Siti Farah Sophia Mohd Nasir Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

Dr. Siti Farah Sophia Mohd Nasir

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

MB. Bch BAO (Ireland), MPath. (UPM)

Dr. Norris Naim Consultant Haematologist & Transfusion Specialist

Dr. Norris Naim

Consultant Blood Transfusion Specialist cum Haematologist

MBBCh (Wales, UK), MPath. (UKM)

Dr. Herni Talib Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

Dr. Herni Talib

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist (Subspeciality: Renal Pathology)

MBBS (UM), MPath. (UM)

Professor Dr. Isa Mohamed Rose

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

MBBS, (UM), DCP (UK), London

Dr. Noorjehan Omar Consultant Anatomical Pathologist Bone & Soft Tissue

Dr. Noorjehan Omar

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist (Subspeciality: Bone & Soft Tissue)

MD (UKM), MPath (UPM), Fellowship in Bone & Soft Tissue Sarcoma (NUH, Singapore)

Dr. Indhira Subbiah Consultant Haematologist

Dr. Indhira Subbiah

Consultant Haematologist

MBBS (University of Delhi), MPath. (UM)

Dr. Roslina Suboh Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

Dr. Roslina Suboh

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

MD. (UKM), MPath. (UKM)

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

Dr. Noorhasni Shamsudin

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

MB Bch BAO (Eire), Royal College of Surgeons; MPath. (UM)

Dr. Fauzah Abd Ghani Consultant Anatomical Pathologist (Subspeciality: Renal Pathology, including Electron Microscopy interpretation)

Dr. Fauzah Abd Ghani

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist (Subspeciality: Renal Pathology, including Electron Microscopy interpretation)

MBBS (Adelaide), MPath (UKM), Renal Subspeciality (Sydney South West Pathology Service Liverpool Hospital)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aletza Mohd Ismail

Consultant Chemical Pathologist

MB BCh BAO (Belfast), MPath. (UM)

Dr. Norfadzilah Mohd Yusof Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

Dr. Norfadzilah Mohd Yusof

Consultant CAnatomical Pathologist

MB BCh, (Egypt), MPath. (UM)

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

Dr. Marliza Hadzar

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist

MD. (UKM); MPath. (UM)

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist (Subspeciality: Lymphoreticular Pathology)

Dr. Asmawiza Awang

Consultant Anatomical Pathologist (Subspeciality: Lymphoreticular)

MB BCh BAO (Ireland), DrPath (UKM), Fellowship in Lymphoreticular Pathology (RMH London & Malaysia)


With unrivaled expertise and dedication to precision, our team ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans. Trust us for excellence in pathology services, leading the way in healthcare innovation.

Our pathologists work tirelessly behind the scenes, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and methodologies to analyze samples and identify abnormalities. From routine screenings to complex diagnostic procedures, our team is equipped to handle a wide range of tests with efficiency and accuracy.

At KPJ Lablink, we understand the importance of prompt results, which is why our pathologists strive to deliver reports in a timely manner, empowering healthcare practitioners to make informed decisions for their patients’ care.

Empowering Healthcare Excellence

Supporting Healthcare Professionals with Precision Diagnosis

Our team of pathologists across Malaysia is here to assist doctors and medical practitioners every step of the way.
